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15. Jul. 2023 - The impressive comeback of the Huey in the civilian market continues |
 D-HHUU(2) - Dornier-Bell UH-1D Iroquois (c/n ........) of a private owner/operator, 2023. Photo Credit: Maximilian Haertl The impressive comeback of the Huey in the civilian market continues and now includes six machines. Thanks to Maximilian Haertl for submitting the wonderful photo!
13. Jul. 2023 - A new entry to the German helicopter register : Raven II D-HWKB |
 D-HWKB - Robinson R44 Raven II (c/n ........) of an unknown owner/operator. Photo Credit: Kamil Cukrowski A new addition to the German helicopter register is Raven II D-HWKB, which was recently photographed in the Polish capital.
06. Jul. 2023 - Another factory new H135 for ADAC Luftrettung |
 D-HCBP(18) - Airbus EC135...3H (c/n 2231) of Airbus, 2023P. Photo Credit: Alexander Lutz The ADAC Luftrettung expects the delivery of another H135 from the manufacturer Airbus shortly.
23. Jun. 2023 - First image of Robinson R44 c/n 14220 D-HHAB(2) |
 D-HHAB(2) - Robinson R44... II (c/n 14420) of a private owner/operator, 2022. Photo Credit: Andreas Gress Robinson R44 c/n 14220 imported from Estonia in February 2022 was registered as D-HHAB(2) in the meantime.
14. Jun. 2023 - D-HDSM cancelled to Luxembourg Air Rescue |
 D-HDSM(2) - Airbus BK117D-3 (c/n 20169) cancelled to Luxembourg as LX-HSL 06/2023. Photo Credit: Magnus Reinke - TEAM Harry Spotter / Tim Rosenfeld / Daniel Gurewitsch H145 c/n 20169 of DRF - Luftrettung, recently upgraded to D-3 standard, was cancelled to Luxembourg Air Rescue in June 2023.
10. Jun. 2023 - Heli-Flight GmbH & Co. KG has acquired Raven I c/n 2642 |
 D-HSKI - Robinson R44 Raven I (c/n 2642) of Heli-Flight GmbH & Co. KG, 2023. Photo Credit: Matthias Tietze Heli-Flight GmbH & Co. KG from Reichelsheim has acquired Robinson R44 Raven I c/n 2642 from Poland.
10. Jun. 2023 - Spring 2023 : Another H145 handed over to DRF - Luftrettung |
 D-HXFI - Airbus BK117D-3 (c/n 21175) of DRF - Luftrettung, 2023. Photo Credit: Martin Hilgert Another fleet addition for DRF - Luftrettung in the spring of this year was H145 D-HXFI c/n 21175.
10. Jun. 2023 - Aeroheli International acquires another R44 |
 D-HAIY - Robinson R44... I (c/n 2723) of Aeroheli International GmbH & Co. KG, 2023. Photo Credit: Andreas Gress Aeroheli International GmbH & Co. KG from Cottbus operates another R44 with Alpha India Yankee.
10. Jun. 2023 - We say farewell after almost half a century |
 D-HEHB - Bell 206L LongRanger (c/n 45011) cancelled to Sweden as SE-JLR 30/05/2023. Photo Credit: Ole Meisen / NA3T / Gerhard Ruehl We say farewell to LongRanger c/n 45011 after almost half a century within the German civil helicopter register.
04. Jun. 2023 - A new H135 for the Spanish Navy |
 D-HCBI(17) - Airbus EC135P3H (c/n 2220) of Airbus, 2023P. Photo Credit: Alexander Lutz The Spanish Navy expects delivery of the brand new H135 c/n 2220.